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Aspirations for taking Aice Media Studies

       I am a Cambridge student which means that I'm trying to graduate with a Cambridge diploma, giving me the highest bright future scholarship and full tuition to any University in the state of Florida. With that being said, I am taking AICE Media Studies to be able to reach my requirement of passing seven Cambridge courses to receive this diploma. This course would help me fulfill the arts and humanity curriculum area. What I hope to gain from this course is a greater understanding of the codes and motives that goes into every type of media from film to print media. Although this course doesn't primarily focus on this area, I would have liked to have learned more about what music producers focus on when crafting or creating art. I would like to understand the technical side of creating films in ways that would make the watching experience richer and more entertaining. More importantly, I am most interested in creating a film and going through the process of getti...

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