Post-Production (03/13/2021- 03/21/2021)

       In this group project, my primary role was being the camera man, main director, and editor. while I had the luxury to delegate the other tasks to my group mates, I believe the editing process should have been exclusively done by me because I hold more technological ability in terms of understanding how to edit media (give my previous experience in mixing music and videos). however, it did not make the process easier. I was in the process of transitioning from a slow laptop to a higher-performing desktop which prevented me from beginning the editing process any sooner.

       To edit the film opening, I used the Wevideo platform to edit the overall film opening and Audacity to edit the audio in the film. I believe that it was necessary for me to have an exclusive app for the audio because of how complex I wanted the final sound to be. 

    I began the process by first watching all of this footage in writing the names of the best shots taken. After this, I downloaded these videos into Wevideo. The next day, I worked on putting these shots together and eliminating certain parts to make them seem cohesive. This took some time (3 hrs), but I enjoyed every moment of it. By doing this I was able to get a clear understanding of the story we wanted to tell. the next few days were dedicated to finding diegetic audio to support our intended genre (mix between thriller and horror). This noise ranged from whispers to monsters eating flesh. it was also in these days that I focused on assembling the diegetic audio one cohesive file. After listening to these files I realized the importance of incorporating non-diegetic ambient sound and recorded foley noises such as the footsteps of the character, Johnny. 



Editing Set-Up
