The Creation of "The Unexpected"

After countless zoom calls with my group (Faith Carl, Justin Rosario, and Simone Watson), we were able to come up with a narrative for our film. The very foundation of the narrative can be accredited to Justin Rosario, who came up with the idea of a horror genre and is taking place at our high school. 

The initial film undertone was to consist of a Johnny who would end up dying in the movie and Addison and Betty who would have to figure out who killed Johnny. However, I believed that the theme had to be relevant to the societal issues that are present today. Thus, we made the characters polar opposites... including their race. This was inventively done to show that no barriers, differences, or division can prevent cooperation when there’s a common goal/objective (being to find Johnny's body/survive from the spirit monster). This is relevant to the social injustices and racial prejudices that exist in the U.S. which creates national division in political issues. The targeted demographics include the African-American, Caucasian-American, teen, and general U.S. population. 

The structure we are going to be using to produce the film-opening is the Save the Cat Beat Sheet in collateral of a storyboard, to get an idea of the shots we want to take on campus. 

