The Save the Cat Beat Sheet for "The Giver"

 What is Save the Cat? 

The Save the Cat beat sheet is an outline commonly used by filmmakers to show the heroic or inspirational journey of a film's protagonist. It consists of three distinct Acts and a set of different events that occurs in each act. This outline is significant because it provides a complex narrative of a protagonist which reveals their motivation, pitfalls, and inevitable plan of victory (or eventual defeat) within a reasonable set of time. It also makes a movie more organized, and thus, understandable to the audience. 

Below is an example of the Save the Cat beat sheet of "The Giver."This film is situated in a utopian society where equality and uniformity are everpresent. All of humanity and past memories are stripped away from the general population all for the sake of equality. However, the protagonist, Jonas, sees the danger of humanity not existing, as the very complexity and beauties of the human race can exist without it. 
