Mis en Scene: Set Design
What is Set Design?
In the last couple of weeks, we learned about the set design element of the Mis en scene. This element focuses on the positioning of props and objects of a film's/show's frame in the context of other elements of the frame. This specific aspect of the mise en scene can connotate the plot and essentially the theme in a sequence. In addition, set design can display a character's emotion or the genre of a film.Set Design can be divided into two distinct categories: Realistic and Unrealistic
MasterClass. (2021, March). What Is Mise en Scène in Film? https://www.masterclass.com/articles/what-is-mise-en-scene-in-film#what-is-mise-en-scne
StudioBinder. (2021, February 1). What is Mise en Scène in Film: Definition and Examples. https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/mise-en-scene/#:%7E:text=Mise%20En%20Scene%20DEFINITION,-What%20is%20mise&text=Mise%20en%20sc%C3%A8ne%20is%20the,design%2C%20lighting%2C%20and%20actors.
The Weinstein Company & Harpo Productions. (2007, December). No argument, The Great Debaters’ inspires [Film Scene Image]. Time Record News. https://archive.timesrecordnews.com/entertainment/no-argument-the-great-debaters-inspires-ep-434707075-331763041.html/
TV Tropes. (n.d.). MacGuffin. TV Tropes. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MacGuffin
Wizard Of Oz Emerald City. (2018, April). [Illustration]. Desktop Nexus. https://nature.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2365156/
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